That's What She Said

Monday, December 6, 2010

No one really cares do they?

Day 13:
A description of what's currently in your handbag/purse/diaper bag.
(Yes, I still write checks)
bobby pins
Thats all in my purse, I got tired of carrying a diaper bag and purse so I consolidated.

Um... I'm not sure on this one.

Day 12:
Something you're OCD about.
This one's hard, I'm pretty easy going. I guess the biggest thing I can think of is the order of the open programs and pages on my work computer. At my work we have to have a TON of different systems, research tools and programs open at time. I have a very particular way I arrange them so I can toggle through them easily. If one is out of place I have to close them all down and log back into them in the right order. It's a little silly. But it makes my day much easier.

I miss you SO much!

Day 11:
A photo that makes you angry/sad... I went with sad.
Oh how I miss my crazy NOTers.

How can this not make anyone happy?

Day 10:
A photo that makes you happy.

I can dream...

Day 9:
Your dream house.
I googled homes in Seattle... I'd settle for something similar to this ;)

Oh this one is my FAV!

Day 8:
Your favorite quote.
I am a quote fanatic. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read and find great quotes.
Some of my favorite quotes are from Emerson. Like this one.

"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

My Shelly Bean

Day 7:
A picture of you and the person you've been closest with the longest.
I'd be a completely different person without her.

I'm a nerd.

Day 6:
Your favorite book:

I went with my favorite series of books. Now don't go all crazy on me you fellow HP fans but I have not read book 7! I own it, I bought it when it came out and surprisingly I have NO idea how it ends. Over the 3 years it has been out I haven't heard the end! Or I choose not to believe the things people have said about how it ends. Which ever I'm trying my best to get it done before the last movie comes out.

I'll be there for you.

Day 5:
Your favorite TV show:
Oh man I can watch reruns of this show over and over again.
But a close runner up is:
It's too hard for me to just choose one of most of these questions... darn.

Laurie, SLACKER is thy name!

Day 4: 
I got hung up on this one because I would have to go to my mom's get a picture of me as a kid and scan it and add it... and I'm lazy. So, I decided to take the easy way out and steal a photo from my sister's Facebook. I am in the picture. I was 7ish... and I was the flower girl at her wedding.